- Lip Synch recorded
I firstly have look at lots of fantastic movie to choose one for my lip synch. Then I choose one footage from The Truman Show.

It is one of my favorite movies, I then research his expression and mouth shape carefully and do my work.
This is the first version, when I show it to professor, I get a couple of valuable feedback including the movement of the body is too strange and the last motion of head is not suitable. Plus, the eyeball of this character drift to nowhere, it should always locked on the audience. So I modify it and accomplish my next version.
From this work, I now understand some extra unnecessary movement of body will actually distract my audience and confuse them. So Now I know I should focus on the major movement and reduce some extra movement to improve my work. Also, It is very important to design the eyesight of your character, it is the key to convey the mood. So carefully design the movement of eyeball. Do not let it drift always, and make it focus on the audience most of the time.
- Lip Synch Given
It was kind of hard for me to do the lip synch first, so I recorded a video of myself to say this word and then follow this clip as the reference to do the lip animation.
Then the do the animation became quite easy though, I haven’t noticed the problem that my performance was a little exaggerate.
Then I show this to teacher and get some feedback. The unnecessary movement was too much and some gestures were quite weird. Ok, then I knew my feeling to the performance got something wrong. So I performed again and found the better feeling.
From this assignment, I found how to perform actually was pretty critique to animator, with better performance, animator would have better work in the end.