
Reference play an important part in animation.

I struggle a lot in Fatberg projects, but I use lots of ways to make references and they help me solve most of the problems.

First, I came across some difficulties in hand movement shot. The camera is under the hand and the hand flip to throw out a paper ball.

At the start, I drew it follow my imagination how a hand flip in this angle and it was pretty hard for me because I barely saw a hand flipping in this angle in my daily life. Then I thought of a way, why not take a photo of my own hand. So then I did it, made some photos of my own hands.

With all of those refences I made, I finally made it out and did the animation smoothly. So make a photo of yourself is a great way because character animation has a lot to do with body. Here is the effect.

Then, School arranged an acting class for me, I performed a lot in the class and the teacher record all of my performance related to my projects.

With the help of all those video, I felt more confident when I did the following animation and in the end, I finished all of my work smoothly.